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Baptism for children

Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit and the door which gives access to the other Sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from original sin and re-born as adopted sons and daughters of God. If you would like to Baptise your child in our parish please read our Baptism Guidelines and complete our Baptism Application Form at links below and then bring all the required paperwork to our Parish Office at 12 Gordon St, Coffs Harbour. Once the paperwork is received, we can proceed to booking a Baptism Preparation session and a Baptism date. For further information please phone: 6651 0000 or email: Baptisms usually occur after the Sunday 9am Mass at St Augustine's Church, Coffs Harbour. Baptisms may occur at St Francis Xavier Church Woolgoolga and St Therese Church Coramba on request.

Baptism by Fr Joy.jpg

Holy Sacraments


Confirmation for children

Bishop Greg Homeming will be visiting our parish in August 2024 for Confirmation. Confirmation Liturgies will be held at 4pm on Saturday 3 August and 5:30pm Monday 5 August at St Augustine's Church. If your child is Baptised and is in Year 3 or above, they can join a class to prepare them to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. For children attending the Catholic Primary schools in our Parish (St Augustine's and St Francis Xavier Primary Schools), please contact the school directly for details. For children attending other schools or home schooling please contact the parish office on 66510000 to register your child.


First Communion

First Communion is taking place in our parish during the weekend of 15-16 June 2024. If your child has been Baptised, received the Sacrament of Confirmation and is in Year 4 or above, then they can join a class to prepare for their First Confession and First Communion. For children attending the Catholic Primary schools in our Parish (St Augustine's and St Francis Xavier Primary Schools), please contact the school directly for details. For children attending other schools or home schooling please contact the parish office on 6651 0000 to register your child.

Children at First Communion
First Communion

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Adults (and children over 16 years old) who wish to become Catholic are invited to join our RCIA program that commences annually in October and concludes after Easter. Our Carmelite Administrator Fr Joe DSouza leads and spiritually supports the group through their journey of discovery of the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the Catholic Church.

Church Dome
Rite of Christian Initiation o Adults (RCIA)


If you would like to get married in one of our Churches, please contact the Parish office on 66510000. We recommend at least 6 months notice be given to allow time to undertake the preparation classes and complete the necessary paperwork.

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Catholic Priest


Confessions are available on Fridays at 9:45am to 10:15am (after Mass) at St Augustine's Church Coffs Harbour, Saturdays, 8am - 8:20am (before Mass) at St Francis Xavier Church, Woolgoolga and 4:45pm to 5:15pm (before Mass) at St Augustine's Church, Coffs Harbour.

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